30 October 2006

Stories make me feel real. Especially your stories. After all the leaves have fallen and the branches are left shivering in the cold, I'll be out and about warming myself, collecting leaves and stories to plant under your pillow. So when the time comes for you to hear my stories. All you'll have to do is get comfy and close your eyes.


As you were talking I could see the girl you have always been growing into the girl I have always known and I could tell you were sincere in your promise to be better about being you. And I know you will do your best (very very best) to be that girl. How do I know? Because the tear that stained your cheek, trickled across the table and let me know he'd be the one to hold you accountable. He mentioned that he be around for awhile and said he'd do his best only to come around when needed.

Soon enough, and this I can promise, you won't need anymore hand holding or stained cheek reminders.


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